It is a very basic public service specifically created to
address the needs of people with Social Security issues that come up after
they have already been approved for benefits. (These are called Post
Entitlement Issues, discussed below.) Lawyers can’t charge a fee to perform
these services, so typically they won’t help. I see the need.
I would like to help but needed a very cost-effective way to provide it.
(After all, I do have bills to pay.)
Enter Altheia
Altheia has degrees in Social Work and Criminal Justice.
She established a non-profit corporation called: House of Purpose that provides
low-cost housing for disabled women. House of Purpose is attempting to
expanded into low cost housing for men and emergency shelter for women.
House of purpose also helps locate other services disabled people need.
Altheia likes to help. People who need help find me.
What I do and what she likes to do fit together. Thus, the “Help Desk.”
She is available from 3 pm to 5 pm every day except Tuesday.
I do oversee what she does on Social Security issues and I do pay her (far, far
less than her time is actually worth). Demand is high. There
is no guarantee that we will choose to help any specific person.
If we choose not to help you, it’s nothing personal.
Examples of Post
Entitlement Problems:
When someone’s identity is stolen, earnings can be reported that
don’t belong to the actual Social Security number holder. Benefits can be
reduced or cut off entirely. The IRS can get involved.
Sometimes, the Social Security Agency will determine for one
reason or another that they have paid a beneficiary too much. The person has
what is referred to as an “Overpayment.” Then the Agency wants its money
back. This can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. People
suddenly find themselves with greatly reduced benefits – or no benefits at all.
If someone is awarded benefits, and is found not capable of
managing their own funds, a payee can be needed.
The Agency will do “Continuing Disability Reviews” to make sure
the person continues to be disabled. If the Agency determines that the
person can go back to work, benefits will stop. The person does get
notice this is about to happen but they don’t know what to do about it. So they
do nothing, which only creates more problems.
You can find out more about House of Purpose and Altheia at;
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