It's a bad idea to keep your Social Security card in your wallet (despite the fact that the card says you should), but it used to be common practice. In 1938, before identity theft was the problem it is today, a wallet manufacturer wanted to show potential buyers how well their Social Security cards would fit in their wallets, so they put fake ones in the ones they sold (similar to cardboard "credit cards" you may see in wallets today).
The cards in the wallets were fake, but the number on them wasn't. Douglas Patterson, vice president and treasurer of the E.H. Ferree Co., thought it would be "clever" to use his secretary's Social Security number on the cards, according to a post on the Social Security Administration's history page. The secretary, Hilda Schrader Whitcher, eventually had to be issued a new number, because so many people thought the number in their wallets belonged to them. Read more...
The weird and true story of America's most popular Social Security number
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Friday, November 7, 2014
Monday, November 3, 2014
5 Social Security changes coming in 2015
from Yahoo Finance:
Social Security recipients will receive 1.7 percent bigger checks in 2015, the Social Security Administration announced last week. And some groups of workers will begin receiving benefit statements in the mail with a list of taxes paid and an estimate of their future retirement benefit. Here's a look at the new Social Security benefits, taxes and services workers and retirees will experience in 2015:
Social Security recipients will receive 1.7 percent bigger checks in 2015, the Social Security Administration announced last week. And some groups of workers will begin receiving benefit statements in the mail with a list of taxes paid and an estimate of their future retirement benefit. Here's a look at the new Social Security benefits, taxes and services workers and retirees will experience in 2015:
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage: How to Choose ~ from
Should you opt for government-offered Medicare or a Medicare Part C alternative?
Decoding health insurance options can be daunting for people age 65 and over. Those who have paid 10 years of Social Security taxes qualify for Medicare at age 65. They're automatically signed up if they're receiving Social Security payments, unless they take steps to opt out. Standard Medicare comes in two parts: A and B. Part A covers a portion of hospitalization expenses, and Part B applies to doctor bills and other medical expenses, such as lab tests and some preventive screenings.But some seniors may find better value in Medicare Part C, or Medicare Advantage. Such plans are run by private insurance companies but regulated by the government, and must offer coverage that's comparable to original Medicare parts A and B. Most also include prescription drug coverage, which is an optional add-on called Part D for seniors who keep original Medicare.
See more here: Should you opt for government-offered Medicare or a Medicare Part C alternative?
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Monday, October 27, 2014
Social Security Q&A: Will I Get My Spousal Benefit Instead of, or in Addition to, My Retirement Benefit?
From Social Security Q&A: Will I Get My Spousal Benefit Instead of, or in Addition to, My Retirement Benefit?
Question: I started taking my reduced Social Security benefits based on my own earnings. My husband will most likely defer his benefits until 2017 when he will be 70. At that point, can I receive half of his benefit instead of my own or in addition to my own?
Social Security Q&A: Will I Get My Spousal Benefit Instead of or in Addition to My Retirement Benefit?
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Question: I started taking my reduced Social Security benefits based on my own earnings. My husband will most likely defer his benefits until 2017 when he will be 70. At that point, can I receive half of his benefit instead of my own or in addition to my own?
Social Security Q&A: Will I Get My Spousal Benefit Instead of or in Addition to My Retirement Benefit?
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Why Social Security Can't Go Bankrupt: Rerun --- from
It is a logical impossibility for Social Security to go bankrupt. We can voluntarily choose to suspend or eliminate the program, but it could never fail because it “ran out of money.” This belief is the result of a common error: conceptualizing Social Security from the micro (individual) rather than the macro (economy-wide) perspective. It’s not a pension fund into which you put your money when you are young and from which you draw when you are old. It’s an immediate transfer from workers today to retirees today. That’s what it has always been and that’s what it has to be–there is no other possible way for it to work.
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To explain this, let’s create a simple world. Say there has been some sort of terrible global calamity and we only have ten people left. Further say that these ten decide to make the best of it and set up a society, including an economy. Of course, much of humanity’s technology is now lost to us, so our level of productivity is very low. As a starting point, assume that each of us is only able to produce enough output for herself or himself to survive.
How many people can retire under these circumstances? Obviously, none. Anyone who stops working, starves. It is irrelevant how many people over 65, disabled, or otherwise deserving there are, no one can quit because our level of productivity is too low. Nor is it helpful to have a pile of cash somewhere. No amount of money can change the fact that one person can only make enough goods and services for one person. If there are ten people to feed, clothe, and shelter, then ten people must work. This reality is inescapable and is the reason why the real determinant of the feasibility of Social Security (or any other type of retirement system, private or public) is productivity. If it falls short, then supporting a class of retirees is impossible, regardless of how much cash we have on hand; if it does not, however, financing it is trivial. This will be shown below. Read More... Why Social Security Can't Go Bankrupt: Rerun
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Thursday, October 16, 2014
Disability Benefits:
The website,, is a valuable
resource for information about all of Social Security’s
programs. At their website you also can:
• Apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits;
• Review your Social Security Statement;
• Get the address of your local Social Security office;
• Request a replacement Medicare card; and
• Find copies of publications.
Here is the Social Security Administration's brochure for Disability Benefits:
resource for information about all of Social Security’s
programs. At their website you also can:
• Apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits;
• Review your Social Security Statement;
• Get the address of your local Social Security office;
• Request a replacement Medicare card; and
• Find copies of publications.
Here is the Social Security Administration's brochure for Disability Benefits:
#ktracy #law #attorney #disability #socialsecurity #fairfield_lawyer #vacaville#suisun #vallejo #solanocounty #veterans #advocate #helpdeskFriday, October 10, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
From the Official Social Security Website
A printable Schedule of Social Security Payments (pdf)
05-10031-2015, January 2015
Get a current schedule for Social Security and SSI benefit payments in an easy-to-read calendar format.
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05-10031-2015, January 2015
Get a current schedule for Social Security and SSI benefit payments in an easy-to-read calendar format.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Social Security Q&A: What's My Best Claiming Strategy if My Spouse Died Early?
From Social Security may be your
largest or one of your largest assets. How you manage it, by deciding
which benefits to collect and when, can make an absolutely huge
difference to your lifetime benefits. And those with the highest past covered earnings have the most to gain from maximizing their Social Security. MORE...
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Friday, September 19, 2014
Solano County Superior Court House
Congratulations to Solano County Superior Court on the beautiful new civil courthouse (update)!
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Tuesday, September 9, 2014
It is a very basic public service specifically created to
address the needs of people with Social Security issues that come up after
they have already been approved for benefits. (These are called Post
Entitlement Issues, discussed below.) Lawyers can’t charge a fee to perform
these services, so typically they won’t help. I see the need.
I would like to help but needed a very cost-effective way to provide it.
(After all, I do have bills to pay.)
Enter Altheia
Altheia has degrees in Social Work and Criminal Justice.
She established a non-profit corporation called: House of Purpose that provides
low-cost housing for disabled women. House of Purpose is attempting to
expanded into low cost housing for men and emergency shelter for women.
House of purpose also helps locate other services disabled people need.
Altheia likes to help. People who need help find me.
What I do and what she likes to do fit together. Thus, the “Help Desk.”
She is available from 3 pm to 5 pm every day except Tuesday.
I do oversee what she does on Social Security issues and I do pay her (far, far
less than her time is actually worth). Demand is high. There
is no guarantee that we will choose to help any specific person.
If we choose not to help you, it’s nothing personal.
Examples of Post
Entitlement Problems:
When someone’s identity is stolen, earnings can be reported that
don’t belong to the actual Social Security number holder. Benefits can be
reduced or cut off entirely. The IRS can get involved.
Sometimes, the Social Security Agency will determine for one
reason or another that they have paid a beneficiary too much. The person has
what is referred to as an “Overpayment.” Then the Agency wants its money
back. This can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. People
suddenly find themselves with greatly reduced benefits – or no benefits at all.
If someone is awarded benefits, and is found not capable of
managing their own funds, a payee can be needed.
The Agency will do “Continuing Disability Reviews” to make sure
the person continues to be disabled. If the Agency determines that the
person can go back to work, benefits will stop. The person does get
notice this is about to happen but they don’t know what to do about it. So they
do nothing, which only creates more problems.
You can find out more about House of Purpose and Altheia at;
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
It's a good day to have a good day!
45 years ago on this date, the first automated teller machine in the United States was installed in Rockville Centre, New York. (1969)
* Japan signed its unconditional surrender, finally ending six years of WWII (1945)
* Vietnam declared its independence from France, forming a republic (1945)
* The United States and Russia agreed to cooperate to build an international space station (1992)
* The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened in Cleveland, Ohio (1995)
* Happy 50th birthday to actor Keanu Reeves (1964)
* And, on this day in 490 BC, after the Battle of Marathon, where the Greeks defeated the invading Persians, Pheidippides, who had already run 140 miles over two days and nights, ran an additional 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to carry the news of the victory. His last words before he collapsed and died, “Rejoice, we are victorious.” (The first marathon)
Photo credit: cishore – flickr – cc
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* Japan signed its unconditional surrender, finally ending six years of WWII (1945)
* Vietnam declared its independence from France, forming a republic (1945)
* The United States and Russia agreed to cooperate to build an international space station (1992)
* The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened in Cleveland, Ohio (1995)
* Happy 50th birthday to actor Keanu Reeves (1964)
* And, on this day in 490 BC, after the Battle of Marathon, where the Greeks defeated the invading Persians, Pheidippides, who had already run 140 miles over two days and nights, ran an additional 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to carry the news of the victory. His last words before he collapsed and died, “Rejoice, we are victorious.” (The first marathon)
Photo credit: cishore – flickr – cc
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Friday, August 29, 2014
Get details about your future social security benefits:
A great way to keep up with the fruits of your labor is by opening a my Social Security account at With a personal account, you can check your earnings record, get your Social Security Statement for details about your future benefits, and much more.
Details about your future social security benefits:
And Happy Friday!
Details about your future social security benefits:
And Happy Friday!
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Thursday, August 21, 2014
ThrowBack Thursday
Travis Air Force Base's ThrowBack Thursday on Facebook
So much awesomeness!
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So much awesomeness!
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Friday, August 15, 2014
Happy Friday and impress the world!
Have a great Friday and a spectacular weekend! What will you do to impress the world?
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Monday, August 11, 2014
Social Security Board of Trustees: No Change in Projected Year of Trust Fund Reserve Depletion!/post/7-2014-2
From "Official Social Security Website"
The Social Security Board of Trustees today released its annual report on the long-term financial status of the Social Security Trust Funds. The combined asset reserves of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds are projected to become depleted in 2033, unchanged from last year, with 77 percent of benefits still payable at that time. The DI Trust Fund will become depleted in 2016, also unchanged from last year's estimate, with 81 percent of benefits still payable.
Read more...!/post/7-2014-2
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From "Official Social Security Website"
The Social Security Board of Trustees today released its annual report on the long-term financial status of the Social Security Trust Funds. The combined asset reserves of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds are projected to become depleted in 2033, unchanged from last year, with 77 percent of benefits still payable at that time. The DI Trust Fund will become depleted in 2016, also unchanged from last year's estimate, with 81 percent of benefits still payable.
Read more...!/post/7-2014-2
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Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Age sometimes matters...
Email Received:
Describe why you cannot work and tell us what questions you have here:
I have carpoul tunel, tendnites, and arthrites in both arms and hands, along with my middle finger on my right hand is very curved
(carpal tunnel, tendinitis, arthritis and trigger finger of right hand third metatarsal)
Dear "27 year old Female,"
You asked for a lawyer to consult with you about your disability with an eye toward filing for Social Security benefits.
As I understand it, your problems are primarily with your hands, wrists and arms. You are 27 years old.
Based upon this, I do not believe that I can help you. It is not because you do not have severe medical issues. It is because you are so young.
Disability is a legal question, not a medical one. One of the most important factors is your age. To qualify under the Social Security Act, you must show that there is no job in the national or regional economy that you are unable to do. Without proof that your condition(s) prevent you from sitting 6 hours of an 8 hour work day, the Social Security Vocational Expert will conclude that there are other jobs you could do, even with your limitations.
There are a couple of things you might try doing. First, google California State Disability Insurance. You may qualify under that program to receive 66% of your wages until you can return to work, or 12 months, which ever happens first.
If you are not going to be able to do your past work, you should contact the California State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Voc Rehab’s job is to help people with physical or mental disabilities retrain so they can re-enter the work force.
I am sorry that I am unable to help you further and I do wish you much better health.
Kay Tracy, Esq.*
Social Security Attorney
Claims Representative
#ktracy #law #attorney #disability #socialsecurity #fairfield_lawyer #vacaville #suisun #vallejo #solanocounty #veterans #advocate
Describe why you cannot work and tell us what questions you have here:
I have carpoul tunel, tendnites, and arthrites in both arms and hands, along with my middle finger on my right hand is very curved
(carpal tunnel, tendinitis, arthritis and trigger finger of right hand third metatarsal)
Dear "27 year old Female,"
You asked for a lawyer to consult with you about your disability with an eye toward filing for Social Security benefits.
As I understand it, your problems are primarily with your hands, wrists and arms. You are 27 years old.
Based upon this, I do not believe that I can help you. It is not because you do not have severe medical issues. It is because you are so young.
Disability is a legal question, not a medical one. One of the most important factors is your age. To qualify under the Social Security Act, you must show that there is no job in the national or regional economy that you are unable to do. Without proof that your condition(s) prevent you from sitting 6 hours of an 8 hour work day, the Social Security Vocational Expert will conclude that there are other jobs you could do, even with your limitations.
There are a couple of things you might try doing. First, google California State Disability Insurance. You may qualify under that program to receive 66% of your wages until you can return to work, or 12 months, which ever happens first.
If you are not going to be able to do your past work, you should contact the California State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Voc Rehab’s job is to help people with physical or mental disabilities retrain so they can re-enter the work force.
I am sorry that I am unable to help you further and I do wish you much better health.
Kay Tracy, Esq.*
Social Security Attorney
Claims Representative
#ktracy #law #attorney #disability #socialsecurity #fairfield_lawyer #vacaville #suisun #vallejo #solanocounty #veterans #advocate
Friday, August 1, 2014
Have a great weekend!
HaPpY fRiDaY! Have a great weekend!

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